Patton Productions is solely owned and operated by Daniel Patton, located in Knoxville TN, with over 25 years in video production and post production services. As well as being an experienced camera operator and production coordinator Daniel also has 30 years experience working in 3D imaging and animation, primarily in the area of mechanical product development, previsualization and logo development / animation.
Patton Productions collaborates and partners with other local production companies with synergy in creating visually dynamic material for clients.
When asked the type content we are best known for filming the answer is always "Absolutely Everything". When it comes to filming we believe never to limit ourselves to only one genre, a single style, or too narrow a focus. There is something unique and challenging within every new situation we shoot. Limiting yourself to just one type of filming reduces your ability to learn and adapt quickly to anything new, different or difficult. Only through continued adaptation will you grow to see how everything in regard to filming is more similar than it is different.